Género/Genre: Brutal Death Metal (early), Death/Groove Metal (now)
País/Country: USA
Tema Lírico/Lyrical Theme: Hate, Evil, Death, Anti-Racism, Politics
Uploader: Luizo
Pyrexia - Age of the Wicked (2007)
1. The Wicked Rise
2. Prey The Weak
4. Irony
5. Shackles of The Mind
6. Season of Anguish
7. Song of Hate
8. Life Long Hate
9. Ode To Brinn
10. No Apologies
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Pyrexia - System of the Animal (1997)
1. Confrontation
2. Downsized
3. System Of The Animal
4. Closure
5. Purging The Nemesis
6. Day One
7. Unscathed
8. G.F.Y.S. (Go Fuck Your Self)
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Pyrexia - Sermon of Mockery (1993)
1. Sermon of Mockery
2. Resurrection
3. Abominat
4. The Uncreation
5. God
6. Demigod
7. Inhumanity
8. Liturgy of Impurity
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