Monday, February 25, 2008

Twisted Tower Dire

Género/Genre: Power Metal
País/Country: USA
Tema Lírico/Lyrical Theme: Epic Themes, Strength, Fantasy, Battle

Twisted Tower Dire - Crest Of The Martyrs (2003)

1. At Night 04:02
2. Some Other Time Some Other Place 03:14
3. Axes & Honor 05:57
4. To Be a Champion 04:06
5. Infinitum 04:06
6. Fight to Be Free 04:08
7. Transfixed 02:56
8. By My Hand 04:15
9. Guardian Bloodline 03:32
10. The Reflecting Pool 07:33

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Twisted Tower Dire - Battle Hymns To The Pantheon [best of/compilation] (2002)

1. Battle Cry 01:06
2. The Isle of Hydra 06:18
3. The Dagger's Blade 05:14
4. Sign of the Storm 06:02
5. Hail Dark Rider 06:56
6. The Valkyrie Death Ssquadrons 10:19
7. The Witch's Eyes 05:20
8. Powerslave (Iron Maiden cover) 13:52

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Twisted Tower Dire - The Isle Of Hydra (2001)

1. Battle Cry 01:07
2. The Isle of Hydra 06:16
3. When the Daylight Fades 04:15
4. Daggers Blade 05:14
5. Ride the Night 04:52
6. The Longing 08:50
7. Sign of the Storm 06:02
8. Final Stand 06:13
9. Dying Breath 05:13
10. Beyond the Gate (bonus track)07:59

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Twisted Tower Dire - The Curse Of Twisted Tower (2000)

1. Land of Illusions 06:33
2. Hail Dark Rider 06:56
3. The Curse of Twisted Tower 06:54
4. The Epic War Ends 06:58
5. Rue of the Forsaken Keeper (II) 07:12
6. Lament : Nocturne 03:32
7. The Walkyrie Death Squadrons 10:19
8. The Witch's Eyes 05:19
9. When All Is Said and Done (bonus) 02:59
10. Revelation - Death's Angel (bonus) 05:49
11. Powerslave (bonus) 05:10
12. Maiden Medley (bonus) 08:36
13. Forgotten in Space (bonus) 07:04

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