Saturday, December 27, 2008

Siti Nurhaliza - Ketika Cinta (OST Soundtrack Perempuan Berkalung Sorban) [New Single 2008]

Hanung Brahmantyo unfailing make movies Indonesian bestseller sweet. Present with the film Ayat-ayat Cinta, Hanung really hit the spectators. This time, Hanung appear with a title latest film islam is 'Perempuan Berkalung Tasbih'. After the success with the 'Ost Ayat-ayat Cinta', which brought singers Rossa and Sherina, now, for Ost Perempuan Berkalung Tasbih, Hanung accelerate with the Malaysian diva, Siti Nurhaliza.

Islamic latest film genre "Perempuan Berkalung Tasbih" is one of the many titles of the films works Hanung Brahmantyo. Director of the young close to beautiful actrist Zaskia Adya Mecca is bringing actrist Revalina S Temat as the main women in the film.

Review Film 'Perempuan Berkalung Tasbih' was not yet out, but not curious though, you should read the short story behind this movie Islami. The film "Women Berkalung rosary" tells about the life of a wife named Annisa shackles by the behavior of the husband that is the result wedlock parents.

Unsparing, 2 song with a melody that was created by Siti Nurhalisa time in less than 30 minutes, so this candidate ost movie "Perempuan Berkalung Tasbih". Latest Songs Siti Nurhaliza entitled 'Batasku Asaku' and 'Ketika Cinta' This sounds so move. On the recording, Siti which is accompanied by her husband, Datuk Khalid, appear vibrant. Moreover, this is the first time in his life, Siti songs to create a movie.

Congratulations to create Hanung Brahmantyo film "Perempuan Berkalung Tasbih" and also congrats mean a singer do the original State Jiran, Siti Nurhaliza on the new song "Batasku Asaku" and "Ketika Cinta" is a movie sountrack islamic "Perempuan Berkalung Tasbih".

New Single Siti Nurhaliza
Siti Nurhaliza Title Hits Song Ketika Cinta (OST Perempuan Berkalung Sorban).
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