Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Rock Indonesia / TRIAD Title Album TRIAD

About Song 'Selir Hati'.
Ahmad Dhani figure so strongly seemed to make a lot of women fall in love with him. To the point, there was a woman who fell in love with him but would only be 'Selir Hati' alone. This was revealed by 'Suhu' of China who met Dhani some time ago in a mall.

"Iya, I was met at the mall about six months ago. He 'suhu' of China and has nothing to do with religion, and I listened to it. We both (Dhani and 'Suhu') still know who she was, " Say Dhani when found in between the making of the video clips in the Old City area Kerta Commerce, Jakut, Thursday (12/11) yesterday.

And the incident that finally makes Dhani create a song 'Selir Hati' which would go on to plan new album labeled TRIAD "There was a woman who would even do not become of wife or not as a boyfriend, but it would even be 'selir hati'," said Dhani explained the contents of the song.

Asked further about the purpose of the term 'Selir Hati', Dhani even explain it. "There was a woman who loves me without conditions. Although it is not used as the wife of okay, not as a boyfriend okay. Not without status, too. If 'selir' is usually no physical contact, but there was no relationship physical. So it is called 'selir hati', "he said.

Then, how is the reaction Dhani for a woman? "I do not feel. The women felt that," chatter lightly.

The Rock Indonesia Year 2010 Change name:
January 2010 berpersonel Rock Band Ahmad Dhani, Ikmal, Icez, Mitha, and Tharaz going to change the title of the Triad with the same personnel.

Ikmal Tobing, drummer for the so-called boyfriend Mitha The Virgin, confirming this to the media after the launch of Studio 33 on the Music of New Land, Beji, Depok, Sunday, December 14 20o9 night. According to the drummer, the launch of this name will be accompanied by launching their second album.

According to former personnel of this band Lemon Tea, TRIAD going to need additional players during its inaugural launch. The reason, Mitha longer have anything outside of scheduling a gig The Rock.

Track list :
1. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Dunia Lelaki".
2. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Sedang Mikirin Kamu". *
3. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Mama".
4. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "MTPS". *
5. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Benar Salah Idolaku". *
6. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Mustapha".
7. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Selir Hati".
8. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Madu Tiga".
9. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Pasrah". *
10. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Juara Sedjati". *
11. T.R.I.A.D. Title Hits Song "Indonesia Pusaka". *

Note : * = Waiting file MP3 to proccess upload..
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